

Mixed Social Bowls.

Tuesdays, Pairs are played (21 ends) except for the third Tuesday of the month, when 2 games of two bowl triples are played (14 ends each). A light lunch is provided by club members on this day. Cards are called at 12:25 and bowls commence at 12.30. Dress is neat and casual mufti. Cost is $10 per person 

Visitors (men and women) are welcome to nominate as a team, or individual entries will be accepted. Please TEXT 0492455616 before 11am on the day you wish to bowl. (Please do not call this mobile number as it is unmanned). Include your name or names, if more than one name whether the nomination is for a single or a pair/triple, and the day and date you wish to bowl. Also include a contact number.

 You can also phone the club, (02) 4473 5251, or put your name on the sheet provided on the notice board.

New Bowlers are more than welcome to come and try the game.  Contact the club, or, if you want to try by yourself, just come along during opening hours.

Barefoot bowlers are welcome subject to availability of greens. It’s free and bowls mats and jacks can be supplied by the club. Phone or enquire at the Club.

Roll ups are welcome subject to availability of greens. Please phone or enquire at the Club to ensure the greens are available.